

“Consider how well we use the word recognize.”
I recognize the furniture in my room, the friend whom I see everyday.
But no ‘act of recognition’ takes place.
-Ludwig  Wittgenstein

Putting words to the sights, sounds, and tastes I’ve witness in the past several days seems overwhelming. When I’m traveling, trying to take in as much as possible while still remaining present, is a challenge. It is however, well worth the effort. I find so often that I’m living through my camera, not wanting to miss anything, yet actually missing out on everything, only to try to relive it later through the photos. Kim and Derek have been wonderful tour guides through the first leg of my journey through parts of France, Geneva, and Carouge.  I’ve given up control of my normal tightly arranged and controlled itinerary and have defaulted to their expertise of the area. It’s actually allowed me to be very present and not worry about my general anxiety of missing trams, getting lost, and feeling less than communicative with my basic French skills. The MAMCO was a great plce to whet my visual appetite and while their website does not have an English version, here’s the link to the collections I saw. L'appartement was a favorite as well as Section des stylites.
I'm packing for Basel and could not be more excited to know I'll be at the Vitra Design Museum in a day! Here are some inspiring spaces I've intersected.

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